Toronto & District Badminton Association
Badminton GTA - A District of Badminton Ontario
How to Affiliate
To affiliate with TDBA download and complete the entire form. Once complete, please email the completed form and pay by e-transfer or print the form and mail a copy with the fee to the address located on the top of the form. Please note that this form is also used to update Badminton Ontario's website: "Where to Play."
Welcome to a new season!
I have attached TDBA's affiliation form for this season which is valid from September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025. If you wish to affiliate, please fill it out completely and email it back to me. You can find payment information at the top of the form. I will inform Badminton Ontario of your affiliation once I have received the completed form along with payment.
Here are the steps clubs need to do in order to affiliate.
The club affiliates with TDBA for $75.00.
Then the club affiliates with Badminton Ontario 2 ways:
1. as an insured club (general commercial liability for the club & sports accident for the individual), the club pays $7.00/individual
2. as an affiliated club (no insurance): flat rate depending on the number of players the club has (e.g., 0-50 members $50, 51-100 members $150, etc.)
The individuals who play in tournaments then need to purchase a BON membership on their own. See BON's website for more information at https://www.badmintonontario.ca/membership/.
Also attached is an incident report for any injuries that take place at your club. Please fill it out and send a copy to tdbapresident@gmail.com and it will forwarded to Badminton Ontario. Thank you and have a great season! If you have any questions about the affiliation form please contact me at tdbapresident@gmail.com.